It's good to take stock of your life now and again, examine the things which went right and those that didn't. But, don't dwell on it overmuch or your likely to go mad. I find the exercise valuable in discovering what I'm good and bad at. Plus, it's a great excuse to try new things. I'm trying to think of a good phrase, but the oldie works: "The past is behind you and the future hasn't happened yet, but now is a gift; that's why it's called the present." The longer I live, the more I agree with that statement. It's great to plan for the future, we'd be insane not to, and it's good to examine the past, but the present is a gift we shouldn't ignore.
Funny how often philosophical I am. I suppose I've always wanted to be one of the great thinkers of our day, but I've never been discovered for that. Now, I'm happy to let my writing speak for me. If I'm only remembered as a teller of stories, that's fine with me. Stories are a great deal more important than most people realize. Without them, there's no history, no fantasies, and no sharing of events. I can think right now of a dozen stories I've told my kids and the smiles on their faces. What a joy it is to hear, "No, don't stop now. Tell about the squirrels! Or, what about the mouse. I know, tell us about the time you--" I've never felt prouder than hearing my children beg for more stories!
I admit to pangs of regrets that too many times I've put a stop to it. Why? Was I busy? Or, maybe in the middle of something? No. I just wanted to stop. Selfish. Ah well, that's part of the joys of youth--being boneheaded. But, because of that, I truly hope I am less that way now. So, my introspection guides me toward a better future, of hope, of eagerness, and of passion. Live to fullness!
- M