Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dance! Let it loose and boogie!

Funny how certain things immediately put a smile on your face. Watching people having a great time dancing and flailing around does that for me. I just watched a couple of videos mashing up old movies and modern songs. Those are lots of fun. One particular favorite is Matt Dancing (he dances a silly jig all around the world, and became an internet celebrity due to it). I also enjoy Riverdance and Lord of the Dance. Watching the smiles grow on people's faces is a particular delight.
Another aspect of this is the sudden appearance of a mob of singers and dancers. The usual name for this is a "flash mob" and they are amazing to watch. Sadly, I've never been at a location to see one in person, but the many internet videos keep me entertained. Plus, there can be specific events tied together with the sudden appearance of dancers, such as weddings, anniversaries, saying hello, saying goodbye. However, the main reason is just to have fun and be a part of something unique.
With two bionic knees, my ability to dance is virtually zero (though, to be honest, I've never really tried). I think it'd be fun to try, and I'm sure my wife would enjoy it. There's real magic in dance, especially moving together with someone else. The pair create a whole greater than the sum of the parts. And, watching the fluid movements and incredible synergy makes me willing to give it a try--I'll even buy my wife steel toed shoes for the inevitable foot stomping I'll do.
- M

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