Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Songs that bring the world to a stop, charge your heart, and make you swoon.

Music has been a big part of my entire life. I grew up in a musical family. One of my favorite things to do was going to the store and picking out a new album (typically classical back then). Because of that musical love I have a deep appreciation for music. My tastes are much broader now, but I still get the most out of music that has no words at all--a fun activity is to let a story develop within your mind as you let the music surround you. Music is a language unto itself, in the same way that math is a language. If you allow it, music will fill your soul with powerful emotion.
I have my favorite music pieces, but one constant is how I can fall deeply within the strains of music and find myself completely lost to the world. There are songs where the world could explode and I wouldn't notice at all, simply because the songs have wrapped me in a cocoon of beauty. Love songs particularly do this to me, and I think my children laugh secretly at me about it. Music carries power not found in anything else, and can overwhelm your being with barely an effort.
Soundtracks to movies are another great example of the power of music. Have you ever heard the opening music and thought, "Wow, this is already a great movie!" I sure have. I can think of a dozen examples already. Like smells, music penetrates to the core of you and binds with memories. All you need to be back in the moment is to hear the song again, and--whammo--you're right back there, reliving the experience. Music is that powerful.
- M

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