Monday, November 16, 2015

Fear. The soul-crushing enemy of us all.

There's a phrase that is one of the most biting and accurate ones of them all: "Mind numbing fear." It really is incredible what fear does to a person. We've all felt it, and probably more than we'd like. The funny thing is, when it's in a controlled environment (such as a roller coaster or a scary movie) we actively seek out being terrified. But, in the wide world it's something that all too often stops us in our tracks and prevents us from moving forward.
I bring it up due to recent events, but also to point out that stories give us an outlet for these fears. Much has been created mainly because the author is working out fears and how to react to them. Since we can all relate, these stories resonate strongly within us. I think it's why the Horror genre even exists in the first place (though nearly any genre can have aspects of fear). We want to see mythical figures deal with fears that are all too real. Sure, we may not ever face maniacs with guns or fight dragons, but fear is fear.
My dad told me that we all face fear, but courage is the willingness to stand up and not back away. There are many ways to judge the character of someone, and courage under fear is a great measure. Sure, life isn't like stories where we know everything turns out alright in the end. Life is much more complex than that. But, it sure doesn't hurt to immerse yourself in a good story and let it wash past you, at least for a while. Things really do work out in the end, don't they?
- M

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