Wednesday, December 30, 2015

BB-8, the newest Star Wars droid everyone wants.

BB-8 droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens
I admit it, when I saw the previews for the new Star Wars, I actually hated the newest droid, BB-8. Well, now that I've seen the movie, I love the little guy. He's happy, loyal, intelligent, and has just enough human-like qualities to make him instantly endearing. I'm not sure droids have gender, but I'll just use the male since I'm male and I like it. Funny, I never thought they could pull off another R2-D2 without being ridiculous.

Yup, they did.

The little ball robot mimics a thumbs-up, chirps in a way sounding almost exactly like "yep", and has sounds that speak of a vocabulary without using any words (just like R2-D2 did). I'm amazed how instantly I related to the little guy and had no trouble at all falling right into line with him. I'm sure we will see him function in the same way the other droids have, with him doing little helpful things and being generally nice.

He's the only droid in focus, and that's fine since he easily fills both fun guy and useful guy. The most important part is he's likable and not in the way. He's a great part of the movie without interfering. You can't ask for much more than that.

- M

By the way, did you know it's a real toy too? One you can drive around with your smartphone? Just passing along the word...

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