Monday, September 28, 2015

The Doctor always wins

I was thinking about winning and losing in popular television shows. Why is it that in Doctor Who, that the Doctor always wins? Isn't that boring? Doesn't it eliminate the unexpected? How are we still entertained? Well, it's the same as with every other superhero story, we know the ultimate results but we are straining to imagine the how's and why's. Winning and losing doesn't matter, because we want to cheer at the win and be surprised by the elaborate process. In the end, the Doctor always wins.
And there's the paradox. If the audience knows the hero cannot fall, then how do you challenge and threaten the hero? Simple. Threaten the hero's friends and family. Threaten the hero's world. Make the hero suffer. Yes, the hero wins, but pain is more than physical and lasts far longer. In the process, make the audience squirm at what's happening.
The best part about telling a great story is watching the audience. I love seeing them reflect what's happening and guessing at what's to come. A real edge-of-your-seat story can keep you up at night, prevent sleep, and get you to work bleary eyed and happy. We yearn to be amazed and touched. So, yes, the Doctor always wins and always will, but so do we as we cheer and hope for the best of both worlds.
- M

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