Saturday, September 5, 2015

Getting the cats out of jail.

Don't bug me, I'm adjusting!
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We've been doing heavy cleaning in our home this past couple weeks, and so asked a friend if she could keep our two cats for a while. It's been interesting. Apparently the two cats hid the entire time; coming out only to eat and poop. The ride home was filled with constant meowing--many times in unison for our listening enjoyment. What's interesting is how they reacted when they came back in to our home. One immediately fell asleep, while the other is cozy and still meows constantly. It makes me wonder what goes on in those little cat brains.
We all go through adjustments to any kind of change, be it at work, home, or play. New rules, or places, or people. It's traumatic each time, just to varying degrees. But, we cope and figure things out and soon are happily productive again. Our cats are doing the same thing, though the younger one is still meowing a lot because she doesn't feel comfortably home yet. Funny how important comfort is to everyone, including cats.

And, yet, we can use our discomfort to push past barriers and find higher success. It's all in how you look at it. The question motivational speakers ask is: "Are you too comfortable where you are?" The implication is that we shouldn't stay still too long. I suppose that's true, but there's also nothing wrong with being happy where you are.

Ugh, I think I may have to muzzle the younger cat. Quit yowling! Argh. You're home, so cut it out!

- M

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