Back many ages ago, a crazy comic book came out featuring radical ninjas who were also teenage turtle mutants. I remember picking up the first copies and loving them instantly. They were pretty dark and edgy back then (not at all like the cartoon show) but they were pure awesomeness and I sure wasn't the only one who liked it. It was one of those amazing things where it suddenly caught on, growing fast into one of the biggest toy franchises in history. But, I've never seen the real style portrayed in anything other than the original comics. At least, until now.
Enter Michael Bay's "TMNT" and a totally new visualizing of the enduring characters. In my opinion, they are spot on. They are the devastating ninjas of the comics, yet have sparkling character and great teenage spunkiness. Sure, the plot is spaghetti and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but so what? The Turtles never were high concept, but they sure are fun!
I love this new movie, and hope for a sequel. These Turtles are a blast to be around, and the rest of the characters are great for what they do as well. For all of you who grew up with the cartoons, let your brain off the chain and check out how awesome the Turtles really started out as. Give this movie a view. You won't regret a moment of it.
- M