Monday, November 10, 2014

I love songs I can't understand

Maybe I'm unusual in this, but I love finding catchy tunes where I have absolutely no idea what is actually being said--usually because it's not in English. I have a bunch of Japanese, Korean, Russian, and other language songs. Maybe it's because my interest in mainly in the rhythm and vocals but I really don't listen much to the words. My best friend will tell you that I actually have a sound check song on my playlist (it's title is "Nomad" though I have no clue why it even has a title). I rarely remember the lyrics, even songs I've heard a thousand times.
Classical orchestral music is what I grew up with, and being instrumentals they didn't have lyrics. The funny thing is that I do enjoy the lyrics to many songs, particularly musicals, but I simply don't remember them. Maybe it's because something wonderful happens as I listen... a story develops behind my eyelids. I've listened to Beethoven's 5th and created huge epics, but I've also listened to the Macarena and envisioned space battles. One of my best early short stories developed by listening to "Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini, and another favorite "Terms of Endearment." I wrote the story for a college writing class, and my teacher was surprised I had written it in one evening. The story bloomed from those two specific songs.
I talk about the magic around us, but it's just my label for the almost unbelievable creativity I see around me daily. It's the magic of the human spirit--and yes, that's a complete cliché, but I don't mind. What's important is that we seek out the exceptional wherever we can find it. And that brings me back around to songs where I cannot understand the words. Songs bring out such a wellspring of inspiration that I can't wait to find the next one. It's like finding buried treasure!
- M

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