Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, but giving thanks most certainly isn't. Anyone, wherever you are in the world, may stop to give thanks for the many blessings in their lives. Go right ahead and celebrate with us! And, if you like, chow down on some nice roasted turkey while you're at it. The important thing is to give thanks.
Special days make a big difference in our lives: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and even completely made up days (Valentine's day is a popular one to point at). Regardless, we measure our lives by such celebrations, and we wouldn't if they didn't matter. When we take time out of our busy lives to make something special, we elevate that thing to new meaning. And with new meaning comes responsibility to share that meaning. We do it joyfully for the most part, and it's neat to see children learning the process and passing it on to another generation.
We are planning our normal time of good food and better company. I think this time we'll try having ham for the main course, and doing a turkey the next day. Of course, we'll have all the side dishes like mashed potatoes and salad and dinner rolls. This also marks the time of year when I start thinking about making a specialty candy called "divinity." It's a marvelous candy that's like taking a bit out of a sweet and fluffy cloud. It's great stuff, but I can't make it while there's humidity and so this time of year is great for it.
Happy Thanksgiving all, and may your days be blessed with good food and great company!
- M

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