Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fall Break!

Ah, the notorious Fall Break is upon us. As a kid, I was excited. As a parent, I'm thinking of what to ask my children to do--which, I'm sure my children thoroughly appreciate. I can't say I ever took serious advantage of the break myself. Most times I just sat in my room, reading, drawing, playing games, or generally doing as little as possible.
We take breaks as adults as well, though we generally call them vacations or holidays. Just like our kids, we do very little beyond sightseeing or having fun. It's a time to unwind, enjoy friends, and take life less seriously. I think we don't take them often enough. Even little get-aways are a good thing. It doesn't need to be a multi-week experience, but can easily encompass a single day.
I don't begrudge my kids settling back and taking things easy (so long as they get their chores done). Life demands so much of us in adulthood, it's hard to see beyond it. Maybe that's why Peter Pan is such a loved hero? A boy who can't grow up, and get's to play forever. Hmm, maybe I could get some tights and a little knife and a goofy hat ... all it takes is a happy thought, right?
-- M

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