Monday, June 22, 2015

Laughter, pure as starlight and twice as enchanting

Why are there so many types of laughter? Have you ever counted the various laughs you encounter in your day-to-day lives? Or, maybe you aren't hearing enough. Laughter is good for the soul. It heals, comforts, shares, and enjoys. There's nothing cruel to honest laughter and the mirth can spread as infectiously as any Winter cold. I believe in the miracle of laughter. It's one of the greatest aspects of any life, and we truly don't get enough of it.

My youngest daughter is working on a laugh that she knows full well is disarmingly cute and adorable. It's somewhere between a squeak and a snort, like a surprised mouse. She knows how awesome it is, and doesn't feel in the least bit ashamed to share it at every opportunity. Yup, I do encourage those opportunities as much as I possibly can. Our family loves to laugh, tickle, play, and have fun. After all, what good is life without enjoyment? Loosen up. Laugh.

Even our pets enjoy life. I've watched a bunch of online videos showing cats and dogs pranking each other, or we humans. Penguins and otters make slides and fling themselves over the edge. I've even watched a video of a crow using a plate as a sled. The need to laugh is as primal as eating. Everything plays at some point during their youth. It's sad how we forget, or choose to stop, as we age. To me, it's like the lack of imagination for most adults. Why should we ever stop? Is there a reason? Or are we just too "mature" to have fun? It's a good question, and I encourage everyone to give it consideration.

As one of my favorite movies (Hook) says, through the lips of granny Wendy, "No growing up. Stop this very instant." Should adults be adults? Of course. But, we can still be kids inside, when we want to be.

- M

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