Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reaching for the sky, flying high, soaring in the wind, and letting go of doubt.

One incredible aspect of youth is the inability to focus on the possibility of failure. It's the awesome quality of truly believing the improbable. I applaud such ability. Without it we wouldn't have most of the innovations we enjoy these days. We wouldn't have next-day shipping, or online music, or dancing violin dubstep (I do enjoy Lindsey Stirling a lot). As we age, we tend toward more caution and less wanton risk. But, those days of leaping into the foggy future with both feet and no fear are still great memories. I encourage our youth to jump for those possibilities with all the gusto and zeal at your impressive command!

Taking risk is a natural aspect of life. Sure, crazy risks are still crazy, but why should we shy away from risk so much that we lock ourselves into quiet cages of perfect security? My wife challenged me tonight to my very core and my only explanation for why is because I was afraid of the possible risk. But, that fear only goes so far. She was right to challenge me and I'm going to get my fear off my chest and go for it. Don't be afraid to be wrong! After all, we are human and our nature is to be more wrong than we ever are right. Stop doubting yourselves. Fly high!

So, yes, I believe youth do have a tremendous amount to offer. They have a hunger and drive that inspires everyone around them. People who maintain that passion do incredible things. They have legends built around them, bridges named after them, and move the world at their command. <Hey, I'm a writer, I'm allowed to exaggerate.> Anyway, I tip my hat to the youth of our world and expect great things from you all! Now, get out there and make it happen.

- M

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