Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Love, the great emotion of poets, artists, and the common hopeless romantic.

When I was ending my years as a teenager and becoming a young man, I went through a time of incredible yearning for a loving companion. I knew she was "Somewhere Out There"--a great song by the way, and one I listened to a lot at the time--but the longing was so strong it was overpowering. I listened to love songs constantly, weeping into my headphones, and my parents didn't have any idea. Probably they are reading these words now and had no clue I went through such times. But, I wasn't alone. People all over the world long for enduring love that breaks all boundaries.

Because of that time, I have a powerful romantic streak. It takes work, but oh wow is it ever worth it. My glorious wife is a treasure I couldn't have imagined back then. She surpasses any hopes and dreams I might have had, and has shown me depths of love I can't begin to describe. Love like that changes you continually, unshakably, and permanently. If I could give any blessing, it would be love.

So, of course there is unending lyricism about love. It can't ever be completely described. And so, we write songs, wax poetic, and buy flowers in hopes of getting close. That longing has produced a dazzling variety of work, and some of the finest artistic talent in their respective fields. It's like the search for love is the muse the Greeks wrote about--you know, those fun loving folks who divinely inspire creativity.

Love changes the world you live in, breathe in, and create in.

- M

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