Saturday, June 13, 2015

Want perfection? Be ready for hard work, because you'll need it.

We've all heard the expression that, "Practice makes perfect." There's also an old joke that goes: "How do you get to Carnegie Hall? ... Practice." (Note: Carnegie Hall is one of the finest venues for music in the United States). The thinking is that while talent is certainly a factor, the most important part of being perfect is hard work. Take the time to grind down your skill to a mirror polish and you'll be great. Every aspect of life reflects this point, as we all know people who are fantastic mainly due to their long hours of working at their skill.

In my opinion, one of the greatest pleasures in life is watching someone perform who has untold numbers of hours of practice behind them. Cirque du Soleil is one of those. A few years ago, several of their popular circus shows were broadcast on television. I'm in awe of the perfect tumbling, dazzling agility, and precision physicality of the many performers. For most circuses, there's real fear in the audience as we watch dangerous acts. But, with Cirque du Soleil, that is replaced with dazzling wonder as we forget our fear and thrill at the skill. They are physical art of the highest perfection. It's impossible to describe these shows adequately. You must see them, and happily many are available on video.

I challenge you all to discover something you love doing so much that you'll put in long hours of practice to perfect it. I say love because it's lonely to practice. There may be people around you, but the practice never is about them and only about you. Dig deep within yourself and find the drive to push ahead! Whatever you choose to do, never allow doubt to overcome your desire. You found it worthwhile at the beginning, so why let that worthiness diminish? Set your eyes on the goal and cheer yourself up with visions of the future. You are worth improving, aren't you?

So, get up, get going, and grind hard. Then, thrill at the joy of performing those hard earned skills!

- M

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