Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Unexpected moments of pure delight

There are a series of videos on YouTube about "People are Awesome" that are incredible to watch. Nearly all of them will cause you to grin from ear to ear as you watch the amazing skills on display. Saying unbelievable is an understatement on many of the things shown. But, the most interesting thing about these is that many of the quick clips are people doing these things for their own amusement--only the friends filming are witnesses. I love to see how we human beings can pull off such monumental feats of skill. The funny thing is that if we saw these sorts of things in a movie, then we'd think these feats impossible or somehow camera trickery.

Another thing that tickles me is when we open ourselves to noticing the curious things that happen every day. Like watching birds fly against a strong wind, seeing them flap and flap and flap but never go forward. I've seen clouds waltz across the sky, holding hands until they formed a heart... I'll never forget that one. Allowing yourself to notice is the key. Otherwise, you'll miss the moment where a squirrel gets into a spoiling pumpkin and gets drunk on fermented pumpkin juice.

I think the best moments in life are unexpected treasures. We aren't prepared for them, or even aware they are coming, but these moments are cherished. I love how, in our current times, we can put together videos and stick them on the internet for everyone to see these unique moments in life. Our world is a fantastic place, and we need to see more of it.

- M

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