Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thunderstorms and the beautiful sounds of rain

My wife loves the sounds of rain. In fact, she has an app on her Kindle Fire that plays the sounds of a thunderstorm (or many other options, with quite a lot of variety) so she can go to sleep with the clash and bang of a thunderstorm at her command. It's neat what modern technology has done. I remember when stores sold CDs with the sounds of the rainforest, or Rocky Mountain moonlight, and all sorts of "soundscapes." Funny how successful those are.

I've always been fascinated by thunderstorms. I remember growing up in Austria, sitting on our back porch, and drawing the lightning strokes--and they were curious streaks of lightning, because I remember the usual thin lines being interrupted by balls at some junctions. Sure, the thunder scared me, but I learned how and what caused them and so I overcame my fears. Life is a lot like that... you're scared about everything, until understanding pushes your fears aside and you move along.

On one of our road trips, we saw a nighttime thunderstorm that could have jumped right from the pages of any epic story. It truly was Biblical. I'll never forget that light show, and the jaw-dropping wonder of it all. The beauty of such things is impossible to adequately describe, but there have been thousands of pages dedicated to the task anyway. I'm glad that simple things still create wonder, and I hope I never become so jaded that I ignore them.

- M

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