Saturday, June 21, 2014

Arguments, and good 'ole fashioned bickering

I've come to realize in life that disagreeing with someone isn't a bad thing. A lot of good can come from arguing, where people voice their differences and air out their feelings. Of course, good coming from it depends on the arguing parties being mature and adult about it. The truth is, we all can't possibly agree on everything all the time. Arguing is natural, and healthy. But, the way we argue matters a great deal. The old saying goes something like: "Argue as enemies, but part as friends."

Stories are about conflict, whatever the source may be. Actually, it's probably safe to say that all our lives are about conflicts of one form or another. It's inevitable, I suppose. Watching as your favorite characters deal with conflict is nearly as much fun as going to a water park and sliding down the Ultimate Drop of Doom waterslide. It reveals the characters within the story even better than them sitting down and having an intense soul searching period of extrapolation and monologue.

Lessons are tough, generally nasty little events, that either break us or make us better. It's probably the father in me that writes this, though I'm sure my own father said the same to me many times. Still, it's good to know that just because we argue with each other doesn't make us bad people. I believe it's healthy, at least when it's done with respect. In the end, conflict reveals character, whether it be in a story or in real life.

- M

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