Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fads, fans, and other air conditioning

What makes something catch on so quickly it turns into a fad? What further makes that fad into a worldwide fad? Recent examples are the Harry Potter Series, Twilight, and even the 50 Shades of Gray. Quality never seems like it matters--think about the pet rock phenomenon (though the real treat was the little booklet that came with it, and the wonderful writing it had). I've twisted my brain around it, and have come to the conclusion that fads are some wierd kind of fruit that magically appears wonderful for whatever reason. Yup, I've got no idea. We humans are a strange lot.

Looking at the question from another angle, what about the fans? Why are they fans? Like many things, we all like what we like and don't like what we don't like. I've tried explaining it to my kids many times, but it really comes down to a gut feeling and nothing else. So, no, I don't expect fans to really put voice to why they like it, because they just do. More power to them! Enjoy the passion of enjoyment, and don't let anyone tell you differently.

I'm sure we've all imagined what it would be like to be the center of such a fad. I look at it like being in front of window air conditioning. It's great while you're in front of it, but not nearly as enjoyable when you aren't in the same room. Fame is a tough position, with all those eyes on you it can be pretty intimidating. I tip my hat to those who handle it with dignity and selflessness.

- M

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