Monday, October 14, 2013


Throughout our lives we form many friendships. Most are people we really don't know well, some we know a bit, a few we now closely, and a handful who are very close friends, and maybe we are fortunate enough to form a select number of lifelong friends. It's amazing to me how this works, and I never tire of watching the wonder of friendship around me.

Entire stories can be fashioned around this concept, and many successful one have. But, just like anything with true value, it goes beyond the pages and permeates our lives. Friendship is something we humans treasure, long for, and will sacrifice for. Think about your own close friends and ask yourself, "What would I give up to maintain this friendship?" I'd bet it's a lot, especially for the deep, true friends who will care for you no matter what.

Love is born of friendship. But, it is also born of vulnerability. To open yourself up so far that someone sees all your flaws and weaknesses, alongside your strengths and glories, is difficult at best. This dynamic infused into stories makes them very powerful, because we can all relate to the experience. It's wonderful to experience works where great friends drive the narrative, but I'm a sucker for character driven stories anyway.

Friends. Cherish them.

- M

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