Sunday, June 19, 2016

My wife's father; a true treasure.

Norm, my wife's father

My wife's father is a remarkable man. He is kind, loving, soft-spoken, wise, and beyond reproach. His example still challenges my wife--and me. One aspect I admire, is how patient he is. That's something I struggle with constantly, and the frustrations that come from the impatience. Maybe it's because he loves golf so much (he's accomplished a hole-in-one!). Going up to visit is one of the highlights of our year.
These days the importance of fathers is not as celebrated, oddly, like mothers are. I really don't know why. I think we do a disservice as a culture to portray them as buffoons and slobs. Fathers are key parts of our maturity, just as mothers are. I'd love to see more fathers like my wife's father, Norm. He is an example we can all look up to.
I've heard it said that you can tell the measure of a man by how his children behave. By that measure, Norm is a great success. He and his wife, Margaret (another treasure, waiting for us in Heaven), raised marvelous children, and I love them as I do my own brother. He is a wonderful man, and I'm grateful to know him and be a part of his life.
Happy Father's Day!
- M

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