Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Movie review: Zootopia

Sometimes you just have to let it yourself have a couple of hours of absolute fun. "Zootopia" is absolutely great fun! I loved it. My family loved it. Some movies are instant classics--the kind you'll want to see again and again--and this sure is one of them. Yes, it's an animated movie. Yes, it's aimed at kids. Yes, it's silly, about a bunch of animals, and full of puns. So what? The point is, this movie is pure fun.
What I particularly appreciate is how knowingly the movie pokes at it's own foolishness. This is a movie happy to make fun of everything, while at the same time telling a compelling story about not accepting your status and doing what's right despite your circumstances. Yup, this movie has morals to tell--sort of like an animated "Aesop's Fables" actually. But, don't worry, you'll enjoy every bit of it.
So, you have a tough, eager, idealistic bunny as the hero. A sly fox as a sidekick. And, a mystery to be solved. If you haven't seen it, don't worry, I didn't give anything away ... everyone dies in the end ... just kidding ... one survives. The plot isn't very deep or difficult, because it doesn't have to be. This movie is content to be fun and imaginative. Plus, the scene with the sloths is one of the funniest I've seen in a very long time (worth the price of admission just for it alone).
In short: go see "Zootopia" right now!
- M

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