Saturday, May 30, 2015

Painting--portraits and landscapes, artistic and photographic, imagined and real

The art of painting has always fascinated me. It ranges from the purely abstract (I'll never understand how a blank canvas with a blue dot on it is art) to the lifelike realism of others. The ability to make a slathering of various colored paints look like anything at all is incredible, let alone an instantly recognized work. It reminds me of the famous quote of Michelangelo, when he was asked how he knew what to carve away (in reference to the statue of David). Michelangelo replied, "It's simple; I carve away anything that doesn't look like David." To have such a solid image in mind that it flows out onto the canvas is miraculous to me.

A drawing crafted by my eldest daughter
My oldest daughter paints, and we proudly display her work on our walls like any good parents would, but it's more than that. I see in her, and all my children actually, the ability to imagine in solid and visceral ways. To take your imagination and give it form is true art, and I applaud anyone willing to try and do their best. Who cares if it isn't understood? The fact that it was created is reward enough! Of course, even better is when people are willing to pay to posses it too.

Those of you who paint have my deepest respect. It's an incredible skill. And, don't let anyone dissuade you from trying your hand at it. Give it a go. Maybe you'll find a passion you never knew before. That's the greatest reward of most things in life--finding something new that excites you. So, pick up a brush, find a canvas, and go to work!

- M

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