Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day, and a toast to our fallen heroes!

Happy Memorial Day!
On this special day we remember the great debt we owe our fallen heroes. I am deeply grateful for the courage and strength of the many who have spent their blood, sweat, and lives defending our freedoms. We should all take time today to remember and pay our respects. Military holidays are an important part of our traditions and should be passed onto the next generations with appropriate conviction. We must never forget the importance of the sacrifices of heroes.

We take the day off work, enjoy our families, and make some sweat barbeque. Maybe people travel long distances, turning one day into many as they take well deserved vacations. Actually, this is one of those heavy travelling weekends where if you don't need to drive you probably shouldn't. Some people just don't know how to drive when they're in a hurry (hint: don't be in a hurry and you'll arrive in one piece).

To those in the military right now, I salute you. Despite our leaders' political aims, you are doing what you feel is right in protecting our country, our freedoms, and our lives. I don't understand why anyone would want to cut soldiers down simply because of politics. Soldiers are the warriors for a country, not the whipping boys. Honor their many ongoing sacrifices, and tend them when they come home wounded in body or mind.

Happy Memorial Day! May our soldiers return home to care and love. And to the many who have fallen, I give my deepest respects.

- M

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