Saturday, May 16, 2015


Have you ever slept past when you wanted? Waaaay past? Hopefully not getting up for work, but what about on the weekends, or when you're on vacation? You have things to do and yet you sleep it all away. Right now my favorite reaction is to wonder why I needed sleep so badly. But, say you've missed something important? What then? Do you blame your alarm, or power going out? Do you blame yourself? If you've missed something that isn't possible to redo, then what happens?

There's a brief conversation in one of my favorite television shows: Babylon 5. It's like a UN in space. Anyway, one emperor is talking with the main hero and asking him if he has any regrets. The answer is poignant: "My dad said to live life as if each second were your last; love without reservation, fight without fear; he called it the way of the warrior." That's powerful and is a great tactic on living without regret.

I think we get trapped by regrets over things we've done. Maybe the best way to answer my question about oversleeping is to grab hold and say, "Apparently I required the sleep, and I did it with gusto!" Not sure I'm swayed by the argument, but it's a thought. Either way, I hope you all had a wonderful sleep last night and may your next be reviving to your body, mind, and soul. Live without regret and live free.

- M

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