Friday, May 22, 2015

"I'm invincible!" and other silly things ...

One of my favorite comedy skits is the famous Monty Python "Black Knight" sketch where King Arthur takes on the famed knight. After King Arthur chops off the knight's arms, the knight charges with the cry, "I'm invincible!" It's hilarious and deeply disturbing, mainly because I can recognize at least a dozen times I've done that myself (well, maybe not armless but charging ahead foolishly at least). But, since the whole movie is one long joke, it's alright to see the characters behaving like idiots. Where else, but in stories are such nitwits held up as heroic figures? If you haven't seen the skit, I won't ruin it, but for those who have ... "We'll call it a draw."

So, think about the many tales you've heard over your lifetime. And, consider how often the people inside the story act just a bit larger than life. It doesn't matter if the story is true or fiction, because storytellers naturally embellish to give the story flavor and make it grand. Admit it. You like hearing other people tell of your exploits, because it gets better with the telling. These days we don't see a whole lot of oral storytelling going on, but we do have comedians ... and they tell stories all the time--yup, jokes are stories. People will want oral storytelling again, I'm sure of it (and, you can witness the spectacle at many Medieval Fairs around the world).

And the miracle of telling these stories is that words aren't even absolutely necessary. I've loved watching the "People are Amazing" videos on YouTube. What are those but magnificent stories documenting the incredible feats of the human body! We are involved in a constant greatest story ever told as we live our lives. Naturally, the question is: what is your ending? Happy or sad?

- M

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