Saturday, May 2, 2015

Being Superman for an afternoon

We've been packing up some old things and in the back of a closet, my wife found a bright red cloth tied with a neck hole. Talk about a flood of memories! I wore that one Saturday afternoon, playing with my children at the park. I even wore a blue shirt with a big "S" on it. Yup, I was Superman! The cape still fits, so I put it on. When I closed my eyes, I saw the whole day in my mind. I'm smiling as I write this, because memories like those never fade.

Why is it that we don't let drop our adult attitudes and play with children? At least, we only do so rarely. And, we somehow feel guilty, stupid, foolish, embarrassed, and happy all at the same time when we do. Tell me, what's wrong with playing as adults? What's wrong with being silly? What's wrong with having unabashed fun? Yes, I'm a writer and highly imaginative, but I can't be the only adult who let's down his guard and has unbridled fun. The world would be a happier place if we could only enjoy our surroundings as much as any child does.

I'll never forget the joy on my children's faces as I pretended along with them. I may have been pretending, but in my children's minds I was Superman! In that too brief slice of life, my kids lit up like supernovas. Before long, all the other children in the little park came over and we all played together. I'm sure there were other parents in the park, but I don't remember them at all. They probably thought I was a bit crazy, but so what? I was in a world of fantasy with children playing along beside me!

What a fantastic memory!

- M

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