Friday, January 17, 2014

Men's Ties, those curious stranglers of throats

Fashion is a mystery to me. I don't pretend to understand why people like one sort of clothing and not others. I'm pretty basic, and once I find stuff I like I tend to wear them until my wife plucks them away and tosses them into the trash. On the subject of ties, I just helped my son get his very first one fitted. Amazingly, my fingers finally remembered how to tie a Half-Windsor knot and I showed him the method.

What is curious is why these things are still around? And it isn't solely a male item, since females wear them as well. How does a dangling strap of cloth appeal? I don't know. Now, bowties are cool (yup, love Doctor Who!), and at least interesting to look at--and then marvel if those suckers were actually hand tied. But regular ties are strange. They are typically too tight, get in the way, fall into soup, and generally are a nuisance in every manner possible.

They are, however, a constant source of amusement. Ties show up in all manner of places as things that are caught in something, spilled on, or are generally messy. Maybe that's why they are still in fashion, because they are sources of comedy? Or, perhaps it because by a man being perpetually uncomfortable it's supposed to make them sit up straight? I admit, I haven't a clue, but the tradition of ties continues unabated. I wonder if they will ever end?

- M

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