Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Writing and invention go hand-in-hand, and can make anything work.

Have you ever wanted to create a device, or a business, or attempt a ridiculous adventure? Well, all you need is a pencil and paper and a bit of imagination! Write it down. Writing is a magical activity, making all things possible. Maybe you think you don't have the ability, or the mind, to craft the words. But, I believe anyone is capable of storytelling. Release the bonds holding you back and go where the story takes you.

Invention is essential to human activity. Without new ideas, we would still be running from place to place with only dreams of riding in cars and soaring in planes. Jules Verne is often regarded as a wonderful inspiration for many technical advances, such as: atomic power, submarine warfare, zero gravity weightlessness, and so much more. Did his writings make these come about? Likely not, but I'm sure it gave vision to the people who actually made the ideas reality.

Inspiration is frequently mentioned when speaking of artists of any kind, yet it isn't reserved only for pie-in-the-sky types. Anyone looking for ideas can discover a sudden wild burst of brilliance that springs into invention and progress. But, you can't steer a ship that still anchored in the harbor. In other words, get up off the couch and make your ideas into something big. Yee haw!

- M

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