Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Be careful of the heat, or suffer the consequences.

Perhaps you've heard the term "Sun stroke" or "Heat stroke" in relation to getting too hot out in the sun. Sure, you sweat and are uncomfortable, but how bad is it really? We joke about "sweating like a pig" and just go merrily about our business. In this summer of heavy heat, I feel the need to make sure everyone understands how serious this really is. You see, I used to laugh at the heat and did my best to work despite it and the sweat. Then ... I suffered a real sun stroke (to the point where I stopped sweating, got nauseous, felt chilled, all of it) and then a while later it happened again. As a result, my body became extremely sensitive to heat and I've since had heat exhaustion and heat stroke multiple times. I lost the ability to sweat at all (you might think this is great, but I cannot cool down without a cold shower, and I hope you see how limiting that is to my life), which means air conditioning is quite literally keeping me alive.

I think we forget just how frail our bodies can be, and so we tough it out and think we can will ourselves to be okay. Sure, you can build a tolerance to heat, but not all at once. You need to work up to it, and for those who haven't gotten used to hot climates it is essential that you monitor your body. Drink plenty of water, keep out of the direct sunlight if you can, and pay attention. People who are suffering from the heat aren't fully aware what's happening to them. Watching for heat exhaustion is a buddy affair, and you need to keep each other healthy.

The reason I'm bringing this up now, is I've seen lots of people saying "Just suck it up, there's plenty of people who've been hotter and they're fine." I'm sure that's true. It's also true that people survive being shot in the chest, but I'd still go to the hospital if it happened to me. Don't simplify other people's health concerns. Would you do the same for anyone you care about? I hope not. Remember, we are in this together. Don't let yourself, or others, suffer because of some misplaced sense of toughness.

- M

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