Monday, February 26, 2018

Headaches are never welcome

Have you ever had a headache? If not, then have you ever been in a situation that can be classified as a "headache?" Probably all of us have. The phrase typically means that a situation or problem is tough and problematic. Dealing with such things are tough and make you rub your head in frustration. Headaches. Now, if you do actually have a physical headache, you have my sympathies because those are terrible.

Life isn't gentle, and life isn't fair. I think that should be stamped on the inside of everyone's eyelids (joking, of course). The point is, we can't escape tough situations. Yes, they cause headaches, but when we pass through them, hopefully successfully, we grow personally and mentally. Without difficult times, we all would be pathetic weaklings, unable to adapt to change. Stress is necessary to maturity--though constant, unceasing, stress is awful and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Why bring this up? Well, I see a current trend toward making everything easy and stress-less, with no headache-inducing problems. This won't help the next generation of young adults. I sure don't want my doctor to view my diagnosis through the lens of not upsetting me, or my auto mechanic to ignore my brakes because telling me they are bad would make me fret. No. Don't hide the truth, don't suppress the difficulties in life. Face the headaches straight on, get past them, and mature as a person. You'll be all the better for it, and oddly will discover fewer headaches in your future as a direct result.

- M

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