Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Season of the sick

Wow, flu season has struck us hard this year. It seems everyone is sick with something or another. Be it stomach upsets, actual flu, the horrid blahs, or full out toilet worship, people are getting sick a lot. At my work, I don't think anyone has managed to dodge this stuff. It's incredible. Kinda makes it feel like the end of days, doesn't it?
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Getting sick is never fun, and usually pretty awful really. I wonder if we'll ever completely cure diseases? It makes for great science fiction, but it doesn't seem likely. For a kid, though, it's fun to miss school and sit and watch cartoons all day. Ah, to be a kid again ... Anyway, for adults sickness is more of an annoyance because it prevents us from working and earning a living. Fortunately, modern medicine has enabled us to weather these illnesses without too much trouble.

I think we take our health for granted quite a bit. It's unusual to be unhealthy in modern society, and actually a bit of a stigma. We don't like being around the sick, even if they're close family and friends. My wife has a special gift to care for the sick, and I'm constantly dazzled by her ability. There's a special place in Heaven for anyone who is able to comfort and aid the weakest among us. Plus, I think the rest of us also are very grateful for the care you provide, because when we're sick we'll happily accept help and kindness.

- M

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