Monday, February 12, 2018

Why don't I like liver anymore? How can my tastes change so drastically?

When I was a kid, a neighbor would go deer hunting and cook up the most scrumptious and delectable liver I've ever eaten. To say I loved it would be to abuse the concept of love. It was glorious food. I would beg for it. In fact, when we moved to a new hometown, the first thing I wanted was a plate of liver. Erm, yuck. Sure, I realize cow and deer taste differently, but wow was it a shock. Whether it was the skill of the cook or the quality of the meat, I hated liver from then on.

Liver wasn't the only thing to fall to dislike. In fact, I've got a whole list of things I can't stand anymore. The question is, why? What makes my sense of taste such a fickle thing? At least I can understand if I'm sick and don't like something, but why will my taste buds scream foul at other times? Maybe there's some conspiracy theory about this? Hmm, perhaps.

The one which has really shocked me is my sudden distaste for milk chocolate. I've always been a chocoholic, but now I'm going toward dark chocolate or none at all. It's very odd. How can something so heavenly now be too sweet? I just don't understand my body. I am convinced that sometimes my brain just decides to be a jerk and see what mischief it can create inside my bones. Maybe I'm an evil genius and don't know it?

- M

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