Thursday, September 21, 2017

Saying one thing, but doing another.

It's probably safe to say that we all dislike hypocrisy. It's puzzling to watch someone say something and then proceed to do the opposite, and usually infuriating. Why do we do it? (Nobody is safe from this criticism, especially those who deny it the most vocally.) To me, it's a form of delusional lying, because you're attempting to persuade yourself--and others--that you know the proper way to do things, then go on and do it wrong anyway.

The good thing is, we can all change our behavior. Sure, it can take a lot of courage to admit what you've been doing, but the reward is gaining honor and respect from those who know you. Afterward, be honest in what you do. When I was growing up, we were taught the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Maybe that's changed in wording somewhat, but the idea is to treat people kindly, regardless of circumstance. That includes keeping the same standards for everyone, and especially yourself.

Personal responsibility is a great thing for any society, and makes us better people on the whole. Yes, we see the polar opposite from most of our entertainment, but people of good character are still powerful examples. If anyone wants to know what I'm talking about, I'd point you toward my father and mother--there are no finer examples living. As another saying went: Let your word be your bond. Life is a lot easier when you don't need to remember what attitude you need to portray, and just live life in the best way possible.

- M

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