Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Things I leanred from my parents

When I was a little boy, my parents were the wisest and most all-knowing people on the planet. As I grew older, my opinion shifted to believe I was a fool to listen to these old-as-dirt folks. Now that I have children of my own (who probably think I'm just as useless), I want to know what my parents think about most things. You see, I finally actually grew up and value the great experience and wisdom of my parents. They are a treasure beyond any sought after by Indiana Jones types.

There's a phrase we hear a lot, "Experience is the best teacher." Sure, that's true to a point, but I'd much prefer having someone teach me who's already suffered through actual experience. My parents never held back their wisdom; I was sadly too arrogant to accept their advice. Sure, they aren't right about everything, but who is? I value what they have to say, even if it did take me my whole life to realize it.

The truth is, modern America doesn't value our elders as we should. They are lifetimes of experience on tap, happy to give it freely, and yet are mostly ignored. That's a real shame. What better way to understand history than to ask those who lived through it? How many are still alive who passed through World War 2, or the various regional wars? Open your minds and your hearts, then keep your mouths shut and listen. Learn.

- M

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