Saturday, April 15, 2017

Heroes change the world

Why do we need heroes? Is it important to have people who pass beyond role models and into the stratosphere of living legends? If so, what purpose do they serve? Can one person change the world?

Yes, we want heroes. Without heroes, our world fades into darkness and despair. I believe heroes give us hope. Hope we can be better than we are. Hope we have bright futures ahead of us. Hope that the world isn't such a scary place after all. And, with such hope, we strive harder and better. Heroes are inspirations. Consider the upsurge of interest in athletes whenever the Olympics swing into worldwide attention. Or, the incredible power of heroism during a tragedy and how we instantly gravitate toward the courageous few.

I want to live in a world with heroes. There's plenty of villains, far too many indeed, and who will fight them? Who will slay the dragons? Who will tame the wilderness? Who will save us? Sure, real heroes aren't knights in shining armor, bearing huge swords. Heroes can be meek, unsure of themselves, or cringing with fear, yet they don't allow circumstances to dictate their actions. Case in point is the Clint Eastwood movie, "Hacksaw Ridge," where an ordinary bloke rises far beyond expectation to perform almost superhuman feats. His actions inspire everyone around him to be greater that they previously believed possible.

Heroes are the best of us. Actually, they're paragons--the absolutely finest human beings possible to be. Sure, their heroism may be momentary, their lives otherwise uninspired, and future actions aren't tied to those temporary moments ... however, those actions move into popular thought. Heroes grow beyond themselves, becoming ideas and ideals. Without heroes, such positive movements won't happen. I need heroes; I think we all do.

- M

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