Monday, April 3, 2017

The impressive power of legends

Why do the construction of the Pyramids in Giza still capture worldwide interest? Why does the story of the Titanic sinking make us hold our breath? Do dragons set your mind ablaze? All these things are legends, which means they are based on fact but may not be entirely true. Yes, the Pyramids are obviously true constructions, but how were they made? The Titanic was a real ship and definitely sank, yet how did it all happen? King Arthur is a real historical figure, but are all the tales accurate?

The Great Pyramids
I think the reason these legends have such appeal is due to their inherent mysteries. Legends generally aren't solved beyond all doubt, leaving plenty of room for theories and wild speculations. This makes people want more, whatever the reliability, to gain a better understanding. And so, the legends grow greater and more grand. After a while it's difficult to separate legend from outright myth. What wonderful resources for aspiring authors!

I collect all sorts of reference materials, but particular anything regarding folktales and old stories. You never know when something will jump out at you and demand to be told. The more you pay attention, the greater your ability to draw from experience to fashion your own legends. Plus, you will educate yourself in the process ... it's a win-win scenario!

- M

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