Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sharing is caring ... but, but, but it's mine!

One of the first lessons we learn as kids is to share. I admit it's a bit of a strange concept, even for adults. We work hard to earn something and then are expected to share it without recompense? But, it's mine! Yeah, tough thing to do. Despite the fact that much of our lives is given willingly and openly. For some reason, sharing our toys is almost going too far.
There's a scene in the recent movie, "Guardians of the Galaxy" where the main hero--StarLord--has finally recovered his music device (a Sony Walkman cassette tape player), which is his only link to his dead mother. Another hero asks why it was so important, and StarLord hands over the device without a second thought or worry. It's immensely valuable to him, and he has no problem sharing it. Wow, that's a surprising example to see. The last time I did that, I got my book back with water damage--grrrr.
Possession is a funny concept actually. Who is doing the possessing? When we have trouble sharing, then I think there's a good argument toward either side being the possessor. We have a word for people who don't share--selfish. Sure, it's used in a harmful way at times, but for the most part we understand the need to share what we have. If we hold onto things too tightly, they rule our lives and we are no longer free. By sharing we actually free ourselves from a sort of prison. It's a neat concept, and we know it's so valuable that we teach our children from the beginning about it.
Who could have guessed parents were so smart? Amazing!
- M

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