Monday, December 19, 2016

Human autopilot

There are times when we do things automatically, without thinking about what we're doing. Habit sometimes shows up that way. I've heard of people moving to a new house and when they drive home they find themselves at their old home. It's done without thought. I bet we've all done something similar. Habit can be an exceptionally tough thing to break.
Some skills are actually exercises in automatic behavior--for instance: assembly line work, typing, public speaking, billiards, juggling, and on to an infinite variety. Right now, I'm dazzled by piano players and the way their hands work independently of each other to create incredible music. I'm learning to play and am pleasantly surprised to find out it's very similar to typing--which I'm great at. Drumming is another skill that bewilders me, because good drummers can keep multiple beats going without flaw while still twisting in flairs and surprises--it's like their arms are alien creatures with life all their own.
Of course, going on automatic pilot can cause problems. There are times we totally drift away, daydreaming while our bodies do their own thing. You can easily drop out and find yourself an hour down the road and not remember any of it. That can be dangerous, so consider that a friendly warning. And then there's my personal favorite automatic activity ... daydreaming! Yup, I've lost dozens of hours happily floating along on my own imagination. I highly recommend it.
- M

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