Monday, January 26, 2015

Meeting famous people

How do you respond when you meet someone famous? Imagine meeting a big time movie star? Or a star athlete? How about a Nobel Prize winner? Perhaps someone who walked on the Moon? Maybe a popular artist, or rock star, what about an author, or president? How about a king? What would you do if you noticed Princess Kate eating breakfast at the next table?
There's a popular show called "Undercover Bosses" which does at least answer the question of how would you respond to meeting the CEO of your company. It's interesting to see how people--who earlier in the episode treated the CEO as just another average worker--suddenly sit with startled expressions and find themselves much more reserved and held back than when they didn't know. I'd say it's pretty common to respond that way. It's funny to see the bubble of space surrounding anyone famous, as though they have a force field keeping everyone at least two feet away.
I've worked to minimize the effect personally, but it's almost impossible to prevent. There's probably all kinds of psychological theories about the why and what, but I think it comes down to respect. Anyone who we value highly (think about doctors for instance) we naturally find ourselves somewhat intimidated by them. That intimidation naturally leads to awe, feelings of inadequacy, and sometimes outright jaw dragging behavior.
The funny thing is, I'm betting that most famous people truly do want people around who treat them like normal people and not with the velvet gloved awe that most fans demonstrate. Sure, they are famous, but they're human beings just like anyone else. And that's my thought for the day...
- M

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