Monday, January 12, 2015

Babylon 5. I long for more serious science fiction shows.

One thing I've loved is ongoing science fiction shows. First it was Star Trek and the reborn Star Trek, and then Babylon 5. I've enjoyed the Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone. Then there was Eureka and Warehouse 13. Sure, things are always changing, but I miss the concept shows where a great overarching story was done over the course of years. Doctor Who is the only show currently that I know about where this is attempted (though in small part really, since there's only a small connection throughout the season).
I think I understand the reason for it, since audience attention spans are short and people want to enter a show at any point during the season. Episodic shows fulfill that desire--pick a conflict, work it out, and resolve it all in one show. But, I think history has shown that audiences do respond to shows with years long plots, which is probably why some shows do have strings that meander throughout the episodes. I'd love to see more of that though.
What I really want is another science fiction show that takes itself seriously, not jokingly or ridiculously (like Eureka) and tackles current issues using the science fiction framework. There's lots to talk about: racism, social class, honesty, politics, business, pick whatever you like. Using fiction to discuss tricky current issues is a great way to put ideas out there, even make positive change. I'd like to see more of that discussion.
- M

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