Monday, August 11, 2014

Mentors and passing knowledge onto the next generation

Where does knowledge come from? Ever ask that? Well, there is one answer: it comes from those who already know. There's a concept called apprenticeship, used in some parts of the world, where a master teaches a willing student. We don't do much of that here in America, but I sure wish we did. Having a master teach someone passes the knowledge along, refines it, and creates connections from past to future. The world needs more such connections, not fewer.

Mentors are likely the most popular version of apprenticeship now. But, it's normally an adult being a mentor to a child. Elders teaching the new generation. We need more of that, throughout our lives--not just at the beginning. I can't imagine a time when I know everything. We can always learn, if we want to. Mentors teach, and so do masters.

The next generations need to know what's important to us, but also why it's important. They need to understand, and that doesn't come solely from books. It almost certainly doesn't come from sitcoms and fluff on television, or dribbling nonsense on the internet. Find someone who is a master and learn from them--seek out experts. Not only will they enrich those who'll listen, but the knowledge they share will grow through a new generation and find fruit nobody could have guessed.

- M

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