Monday, August 4, 2014

Apocalypse! The End of the World! Yikes!

The end of the world is always a popular topic. I suppose because we all know that eventually everything must end, and it's more fun to imagine it happening in a spectacular manner. Some recent films depict comets or meteorites blasting us to smithereens, or massive nuclear wars, and even gigantic monsters (I still love Pacific Rim). The end of everything we know is a terrifying prospect, but it's also sensational and maybe by facing it in stories it's a little less scary.

Whatever the reason, the destruction of worlds is a recurrent theme in fantasy and science fiction (though it probably wouldn't even work in other genres). It goes along with world building, envisioning how it will all go wrong. The newest Planet of the Apes movies demonstrate this theme very well, showing how our human world goes up in flames and is replaced by something else.

It doesn't have to be such a serious thing though. There are plenty of stories that make light of the whole idea. Humor can make anything better. I think laughter is the greatest medicine known to mankind. Giggling about it provides a new perspective, a different view that isn't bound by strict reality. It makes it bearable.

So, get out there and make new stories about the world burning up from an exploding sun, or whatever tickles your fancy. There are a universe of possibilities.

- M

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