Saturday, July 12, 2014

Movie review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Two words: See it!

Even if you haven't seen the previous movie (Rise of the Planet of the Apes), this movie stands on its own legs. Once again, the main character is the ape known as Caesar--who now is the leader of a thriving ape colony. He has earned the respect of every ape, and humans haven't been seen in 10 years. Then... yup, humans show up and throw it all into chaos again. However, don't be cross with the setup because it's completely believable and follows through.

What impressed me most was how lifelike the animated apes were. They are totally realistic (far beyond the amazing graphics of the Jurassic Park dinos). I saw it in 3D, but honestly, it doesn't add anything to the viewing. I'd recommend seeing it in regular 2D so the distraction of 3D won't detract from the story.

And, the story is amazing! Everything that happens flows from what's before it. The tension comes from watching as two species come inevitably to blows, where hot-heads on both sides flare up and bring on the war. Despite this, the viewer is struck with sincere sympathy for the apes and their desire to survive. Sure, the humans are in the story too, but we all know these movies are about the apes.

What surprised me most is that the Gary Oldman character isn't as crass and cowardly as the trailer led me to believe. He is doing the very thing Caesar is doing, trying to protect his community. I won't give anything away, but he is fantastic for the part he plays.

All of the actors, ape and human, are wonderful. There was definite chemistry between the cast, and that sweeps the story to epic scale. It's a neat feeling to see a classic being born, and this is certainly one of them. These movies (a trilogy is a given) will take their place proudly beside the originals. I can't wait to see this one again, and look forward to the third.

- M

ps. What's the deal with movies no longer being numbered? If you don't know the order, it's not very obvious. In my mind, Dawn is before a Rise. Oh well. Hopefully the trend is short lived.

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