Saturday, November 23, 2013

JFK Assassination, the day after

One of the legendary points in American history is the assassination of President J.F. Kennedy. Everyone who lived during that time knows precisely where they were when they heard the news. People are like that when big events happen. I'm that way with the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia explosion, or the Twin Towers crashing down. Anyway, what I find really interesting is how the country reacted on the next day.

Despite political views, the country was shocked and dismayed  People everywhere were outraged that anyone would do such a thing, and a cry for justice went out. I wasn't there, but I suspect that this united outcry joined the country in a way that never would have happened otherwise. It was a seminal event, which created a legendary martyr. I've talked with many people about it, and they all tell me of anger and togetherness, of a nation brought together by tragedy. It's inspiring, really.

Of course, afterward is the rise of conspiracy. Ballistic evidence says one thing, visual evidence another, auditory still more, and human memory many other variations. Maybe we know what happened, maybe not. I'm not a judge. But, one thing I do know is that this was a moment in history that won't ever be forgotten. It spawned a whole fleet of legends, myths, and outright foolishness. Whatever your thoughts about this event, I'm sure you know about it and probably even a few conspiracy stories. I dearly hope we never again see assassinations.

- M

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