Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Batman versus the Joker ... why are they still at it?

Batman fighting the Joker has become part of American culture, even more so than Superman battling Lex Luthor. My question is, why? The Joker is a horrible person, utterly vile, completely wicked, and excruciating to be around for any length of time. Yet, the public can't get enough of Batman fighting this singular villain. So, let's examine it for a moment.
Batman versus Joker
image credit
Batman wants to redeem people, while Joker wants to corrupt people. Batman won't compromise for any reason, while Joker is seductively flexible. Batman has rules, the Joker doesn't. Batman is the yearning to overcome any obstacle, Joker is the lunacy lurking within humanity. Joker is almost literally Batman's internal darkness come to physical life, revealing what Batman would become if he lost control completely. Batman against the Joker is a modern day retelling of the story of Jekyll and Hyde.

Certainly this struggle hasn't always been depicted the same way, but it's interesting that no matter who is writing the stories, the tension between Batman and Joker remains the same. There's an inherent understanding of what drives them both. Very simply, it's hope versus despair. Sure, Batman isn't a saint, but he's a morally driven hero, struggling to do good despite the wickedness around him. That's probably why people are drawn to Batman, because his struggles are similar to our own (though amped up to superhero proportions). The Joker is chaos and vileness personified, with the single goal of corrupting any good thing he finds.

This is why I love comics so much. Like no other medium, comic books have delved into the very nature of who we are and what makes us good or bad. It's an important study. Plus, comics have given us stories that have survived the test of time.

- M

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