Thursday, December 28, 2017

Preparing for the next year ...

It's almost a new year, and so people are thinking of what they plan to do, what they won't do, and how they accomplish it all. It's time for New Year Resolutions, and measuring our past performances. Hopefully we keep things simple and realistic (so, no pledges to surf the waves of Jupiter this year), and truly plan to achieve what we set out to do. I'll be honest, I don't really make resolutions of my own--I just don't see the point--but, that might be changing. I do see value in making long-term plans (even though a single year isn't all that long, really). At least, take the time to consider what you'd like to do.

Some things are easy, like school and work and planned holidays. For me, it's the smaller things that are the most complicated. Why is it so hard to plan cleaning the garage, or seeding the front lawn, or organizing the bookshelf? It seems like whenever obvious road signs are available, then we let those set our goals for us, but when we must set our own goals it's a wrestling match we don't win. I believe that's one of the biggest reasons so very few become ultra-successful in life. People who set goals, strive to achieve them, and then set new goals, are the ones who get things done. Think about it, would you rather have help from someone who never completes anything, or someone who gets things done?

It's also tradition for a new year to bring about a clean state of affairs. It's like getting a do-over in life. Sure, it's just a tradition, but there's a great deal of truth to it. Once in a while, we need to let go of old failures, or successes, and move on to different things. A new year gives permission to do that, in a way that's as simple as a calendar. So, take the leap and jump into the new year with eyes closed, nose plugged, and feet braced. Who knows? Maybe you'll land in a pool of strawberry jam ...

- M

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