Monday, January 1, 2018

I like hats. Especially work hats.

For some reason, hats have an important place in my life. I love seeing my wife wear baseball caps--she looks so cute in them--and I have a habit of wearing a cowboy hat as I write--showing my children that daddy is working and shouldn't be disturbed. I had a nifty hat that I wore at the camp where I met my wife. And, hats keep the sun off my face, so I don't get sunburned. I don't personally wear a hat a work, but there are many professions requiring them, such as construction. The phrase, "I wear many hats," describes someone who performs many varied jobs or tasks. Although, the phrase does usually get used to say the person is overworked and stressed. Well, phrases come and go.

When I was little, I loved the official firefighter hats and construction helmets. They had a kind of flair to them, and hinted at glorious adventure. As an adult, I don't see things the same way, but the hats are still interesting. What's really incredible is the amount of technology and money spent to create the hats! Particularly sports helmets are unbelievably pricey. What incredible inventions they are.

But, I think what catches my fancy about hats are how unique many are. Everyone wears hats in a different way, decorate them uniquely, and adjust them with their own flair. Like socks, hats are a statement of who you are deep inside. Or, I'm just being poetic and simply love hats ... you decide.

- M

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