Sunday, February 12, 2017

Gadgets, Tricks, and Toys

Being a technological kind of guy, I love stories with neat gizmos for the people to use. James Bond stories are like that, but I'm thinking of almost any science fiction tale. Technology can make ideas pop and sparkle, though the toys can also take over if you dwell on them overmuch. I suppose it's a fine line to tread, but it's so much fun! As a young boy, I wanted to experience all the hopes of future technology that I could get my hands on. I couldn't get enough.

Ancient stories also used the same principle, though it often amounted to "Deus ex machina," or "god from the machine," which supernaturally assisted the hero and solved desperate problems. These days the concept is considered a cheat, such as having someone suddenly find a gun to protect themselves when no such device was ever established. It decays suspension of disbelief for it to happen too often. Provide too many nifty gadgets and the audience will stop believing the heroes are in any danger at any time. Without that tension, the story falls flat.

Despite the dangers, fancy tricks and technologies are fun to play with. I can't be the only one who waits breathlessly to see the newest James Bond, or Batman, or Mission Impossible gadgets. Most times the things just make tasks easier, like a fancy grappling hook or glass cutter. It makes me think of a wonderful moment during "Batman Begins" where the Batman tosses a spy scope he was using to a little boy. Yup, I wanted to be that kid. Inventing new technology is fun for everyone and I can't get enough of it!

- M

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