Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pi day! It's nearly upon us. Spread the word!

Sure, I'm a nerd, but even us nerds get to have fun. One of those times is about here. Pi day. Not only that, but once a century Pi day! Okay, what is Pi? Well, it's a mathematical constant that is an infinite number. In plain language, it describes the outside of a relationship to a slice across the circle's middle. As a number, it is most often shown as 3.14, as a symbol it is π. That's Pi. This constant is used for all sorts of things, like determining: area of a circle or the volume of a sphere. Simply put, modern society puts a lot of faith in Pi.
If you don't get the joke ... ask a nerd,
let them be the center of attention for a change.

Anyway, what's Pi day? Well, once a year, on March 14th, we celebrate 3.14 day (Pi day). Yup, math nerds are still nerds; we don't party, we divide and conquer! This year we can extend Pi day to a fantastic degree: 3.141592653. That breaks down to: 3/14/15 at 9:26 am and 53 seconds. Okay, we are fudging a little bit on the year (substituting 2015 with 15) so this is once a century and not ever--it's still once a lifetime though. Make sense?

So ... 3/14/15 ... memorize it and celebrate Pi day with all of us. I bought my wife and I a t-shirt (she's wearing it now, I'm proud to say) and we will celebrate it happily. Join us! It's not often you can be a stylish nerd. Maybe you can even get a t-shirt to commemorate the event.

- M

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